With the help of neighbor and architect, John Klett, AIA, The Washington Highlands Historic Preservation Corporation has finalized plans for the main entry marker at Washington Circle and Milwaukee Avenue. The new marker will be located in the median in front of the existing deteriorating wooden sign. The scale of the marker is proportionate to the site and its design is consistent with the other Washington Highlands entry markers. A drawing of the entry marker is featured below.

A capital campaign is being announced to fund this significant addition to the neighborhood. The estimated cost to erect the new marker, including foundation, lighting and landscaping, is $35,000. All donations to the Washington Highlands Historic Preservation Corporation are fully tax deductible and may be ear marked expressly for this project. With a successful fund raising effort, the marker will be completed in the late spring of 2014.

Donations may be mailed to:
PO Box 26723
Wauwatosa, WI  53226