In spring of 2006, the Washington Highlands Historical Preservation Corporation initially engaged Buettner & Associates, Inc. to prepare an improvement study for the street entrances into the Highlands. After the initial concepts were favorably received by the WHHPC Board we asked Buettner & Associates to also include recommendations for the Parks, Open Spaces, and Boulevards. This was in response to a request from the Washington Homes Association Board.
The study incorporates previous designs into one master neighborhood improvement plan and defines the total extent of all of the improvements and their costs for a single fundraising campaign.
The proposed improvements are divided into two separate studies:
The Entrances to Washington Highlands
The Open Spaces of the Washington Highlands
The proposed improvements to the entrances and common open space will:
Enhance Identity of the neighborhood and streets
Enhance the beauty and enjoyment of the neighborhood open space
Enhance property values
The entire report can be viewed here.
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